
Little Pom Report: Monday, 10am

They came and took his blood at 4 am, and we got some good news at 6. His "important kidney number" (the creatinine level) is down to 3.8 and his kidney function has slightly improved from 10-15% to 16-17%. So there's that. Bad news: this is not NEARLY the improvement we'd hoped for and when they ultrasounded his kidneys, they were the same size they were on Thursday before we arrived. So, after an entire weekend of pumping fluids and draining via a foley catheter, there has been NO change in the amount of fluids actually in his kidneys. Little Pom will be sedated again today, so that they can remove his catheter completely and pump his bladder full of radioactive dye. Then, they will put the cath back in and watch his functioning to figure out what's happening internally. From there, we'll (hopefully, maybe) know where we go from here. As of today, the creatinine levels are dropping, but there's been no other improvement.

So for now, more morphine, more tests, hopefully more answers.

In the interim, LP grows crankier by the day. On the bright side, this is mitigated by the (pathetic) amusement he creates when he's stoned on morphine. :-)

More later on.

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