
The Urodynamics Experiment

I just spoke with the Urology Nurse Clinician who will be doing Rory's Urodynamics test. This is the test we've been told he needs before he can have the Meinenoff (sp?) catheter put in. Turns out, this involves removing his foley cath (yet again!), inserting a special catheter for the procedure and then putting the foley *back* in. Oh...and this time, just to add to the unexplainable misery for an eight-year-old child....he gets something in his rectum too.

I tried to explain to her that he needs to be sedated if she hopes to accomplish anything involving catheters. She said he has to be awake for the procedure itself but will ask the Urologist if we can sedate him in pre-op to get him set up, then wake him up for the procedure itself. Which then begs the question "how do they put the foley back in, once they've woken him up?" I'm going to call the Nephrologist and find out if there's any way to schedule his surgery for the same day, but I doubt it. So for now, we have extreme pain and trauma tenatively scheduled for Wednesday at 9am. Assuming they can get the referal from Blue Care Network in time. Otherwise, the back up date is the 21st. Although I don't know what that means for his surgery.

I'm done. Let us off the ride.

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