
Post-Surgical Update

Well, after going 22 hours without food or drink, Little Pom *finally* was taken to the Pre-Op at around 5:00 tonight. Of course, they took him within an hour of my leaving the hospital for the first time since we got here. :-( But, Daddy was there with him and everything went really, really well. He's got his PD catheter in his tummy and they are gathering the supplies to start him tonight. LP is still on a morphine drip, so he's *slightly* awake...but not very talkative. Lots of whispers and hand-gestures. I'm sure that his throat is sore after the breathing tube for the surgery, but he says that the only thing that hurts is his tummy. We'll be here at least through the weekend and most likely into early next week as well. It'll be a lot of just hanging out during the day (broken up by random blood draws, of course) and PD by night; to get his abdomen used to the comings and goings of the fluid. Here's a pic of the machinery we'll soon be using at home:



And, as an added bonus, here are some pics of Little Pom, stoned off his gourd, LOL:



And one of him sleeping it all off:


Update on Bubbles:
He had surgery today too. His parents didn't bother to show up before he went down to pre-op, but Daddy says that he met Bubbles' mom at one point in the waiting room. Of course, she disappeared before he got out, so no one could find her to tell her he was going into the ICU. She most likely still doesn't know, or care. It's sooooo sad. We've been threatening to hide him in our luggage and take him home with us. But I'm thinking they'd catch on when we had to bring him back for his next hemodialysis. Bubbles has NOTHING from his own stuff here with him- no blankie, no toys from home. He has several hard plastic (ie: easily sterilized) toys from the playroom in his crib, including a little tiny plastic puppy he's totally latched onto as his own. Today, I went to Right Start and bought him 2 stuffed animals of his very own. Something SOFT he can cuddle with and call his own. But I totally plan on stealing that Happy Meal sized puppy for him if he leaves before we do. If he's out of ICU tomorrow, I'll post a pic of Bubbles with his puppy pals.

Thanks for all of the prayers, loving emails, cards, light & positive energy sent our way. It is ALL appreciated & felt! More tomorrow.

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