And the Beat Goes On...
Just a quick update. We are home and are halfway through our very first week of dialysis "without a net." So far, so good- we seem to have overcome the whole "alarm every five minutes" issue that we had in the hospital. The biggest adjustment so far has been for Little Pom, getting used to being in bed at 9:00 exactly. I have to say, I haven't been particularly pleasant this week since it seems like our whole lives revolve around the dialysis process. I've never been one who's good at routine...I really, really need the flexibility to run out and pick up carryout for dinner or to spontaneously go to the late show movie. But that's not possible anymore. Everything is regulated, measured, ordered and pre-determined and I'm (doing it but) MISERABLE. We have not missed a dosage, a blood pressure screen, a deadline or a dietary restriction. We're doing everything right, but it's so contrary to my nature that I'm struggling to adapt. I don't even know what I'll do when Daddy goes on deployment next. I think we're going to ask for a prescription for respite care, and I'm doing some research to find out if there's a way to find dialysis-trained babysitters. I doubt it though.LP is doing okay, although he's absolutely impossible in the mornings. The PD makes his shoulder hurt (the catheter can pinch a nerve that is felt in the shoulder) and his tummy ache. Which makes him really, super difficult to deal with in the mornings. Yay. On the bright side, I've built a website specifically designed to be an easy-to-remember place to get information on living kidney donation for him, so please pass along this website to your friends, family, contacts & elists: On an even brighter side, here's a kitten in a frog costume:
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